Top 10 cool facts about blue whale

Monday, September 30, 2013 · Posted in , , , ,

Top 10 cool facts about blue whale

-The blue whale is the biggest animal that has ever lived on earth. They can reach up to 100 feet in length and weigh up to 150 tons, which is about the weight of 30 elephants.  
-The blue whale's heart is about the size of a small car beats about 5-6 times per minute on the surface and drops to 3 beats per minute when it dives to control its metabolism. 

Why is the Blue Whale So Big?

Why is the Blue Whale So Big?

Scientist don't really know for sure, but they are sure of one thing - as big as the ancient dinosaurs were they were never as big as the blue whale is. The blue whale is the largest creature to have ever lived on earth! One of the most important reasons that whales have become so large is they have more space - more room to roam. Remember: over 70% of the earth is covered in ocean water.
Another nice thing about living in the oceans, besides all the real estate,

interesting facts about blue whale


  • The largest living creature on Earth!
  • The record appears to be at least 110 feet long and a weight of 209 tons (It was a female)
  • Average Length: (Male) 82 ft (Female) 85 ft (Birth) 19 1/2 ft
  • Average Weight: (Adult) 100-120 tons (Newborn) 2.5-4 tons
  • Population: low thousands (2002 figure)
  • Diet: Krill and Fish