Top 10 cool facts about blue whale
-The blue whale is the biggest animal that has ever lived on earth. They can reach up to 100 feet in length and weigh up to 150 tons, which is about the weight of 30 elephants.
-The blue whale's heart is about the size of a small car beats about 5-6 times per minute on the surface and drops to 3 beats per minute when it dives to control its metabolism.
-The blue whale is the loudest animal on earth. The peak dB of rock music is measured at 150 dBs and the blue whale is measured at 188dBs.
-The sounds of the blue whale travel thousands of miles and theorists speculate that blue whales can communication across oceans.
-The blue whale's esophagus is only 4 inches in diameter making it able to hold krill or small planktonic organisms only.
-The blue whale eats about 6-7 tons of krill each day.
-The blue whale's calf drinks up to 100 gallons of milk a day. Since they consume such a great quantity of nourishment, the calves gain about 9 pounds an hour and grow about 1.5 inches a day.
-The blue whale's calf weighs about 2.5 tons at birth.
-The blue whale's blood vessels are so large that a full grown trout could swim through them to its heart.
-There have been sightings of blue whale-fin whale crosses which shows that the blue whale and fin whale sometimes mate with one another.